Le manager est un coach

J’anime ce séminaire de 18 heures en anglais ou en français auprès de participants à un MBA. L’objectif de cette formation est que les managers en formation prennent conscience de l’importance de prendre la posture du coach avec leurs collaborateurs en plus des deux postures plus traditionnelles du détenteur de l’autorité (qui dit ce qu’il faut faire) et du responsable participatif (qui fait participer aux processus de décisions avant de trancher lui-même ou elle-même). Lorsque le manager joue le rôle du coach, il voit l’autre comme un être autonome qui a un potentiel professionnel encore à développer. Il l’amène à grandir en l’aidant à trouver ses propres solutions aux problèmes posés. Le séminaire est très largement fondé sur des mises en pratique, exercices, jeux de rôles et entraînements à des coachings réels.


Quelques témoignages sur la formation “The manager is a coach” :


Témoignage 1 : Angy, participant à l’International IMBA de l’EMLYON

“The manager is a coach’ elective was for me probably, the best practical course linked to human relationship I have ever had. It was a key complement of the organisational behavior and other personnal development courses we had. With many exercises, feedback, and debriefing I could learn a lot on what I am, and very practical training on how to perform a coaching session. I could also understand from a new point of view: the essence of high performing teams. I think this is very useful considering that firms are overall pushing for managers to adopt a coach management style. I will benefit a lot from this elective. It makes me think more on how to manage or create and integrate a team. This is very valuable as company’s success when you have a good strategy is mainly linked to team/people effectiveness.”


Témoignage 2 : Joao, participant à l’International IMBA de l’EMLYON

“One of the most practical and relevant courses of the program. A must-have for people managers nowadays”


Témoignage 3 : Sihong, participante à l’International IMBA de l’EMLYON

“I really enjoy the class. The combination of game and theory study provides a real insight about this subject. While coaching the colleagues, I explore deeper myself as well. I would propose this course to anyone who wants to better lead a team, and who wants to develop his/ her own potential! Excellent professor and process!”


Témoignage 4 : Yoko, participante à l’International IMBA de l’EMLYON

“First of all, thank you very much for the wonderful class. It was really great to be an active learner of coaching by participating in the exercises. I am very happy that I pushed myself to take this course. A the end of the day, it is people who make business, and soft skills like coaching is an important component one can learn in an MBA. This course offered something one cannot learn in a book and made the MBA programme well-rounded. It made me think about leadership styles and I now feel that a leader who helps subordinates gain autonomy is very effective. The combination of theory and practice was perfect – by « learning by doing », I am now confident that I can apply the coaching concepts in my future career. Finally, I really enjoyed working with you Thierry and other participants in a very positive, corporative atmosphere. All in all, I feel a lot happier than before the class, which was a great side-effect. Thank you, again, for your coaching!”


Témoignage 5 : Amin, participant à l’International IMBA de l’EMLYON

« One of the best points of the course it that it provides knowledge and know-how that are applicable in everyday personal and professional life. In that course not only you learn, but you also experience and practice,  which is a great added value. Open-mind is mandatory for this course! »